Introducing ‘Glimpses of His Heart'
Conversation matters. It matters because friendships matter. Reuel Howe said dialogue 'is to love what blood is to the body.' If our friendship is to grow I must know you. And I can't really know you until I know your heart. But only you can show me your heart. That is, if you want to and if we talk. It’s the same with God. I can't feel close to Him unless I know Him. And to know Him is to know His heart. But I can't unless He wants me to. And only if He'll talk. Good news! He does and has. God's revealed Himself in His Son, Scripture and creation. By which He still reveals Himself to any seeking heart. Yet I often do to God what I do to others. I think i know Him better than i do. I don't let Him speak for Himself. I form my view of Him without hearing Him. The best one to introduce you is you. In Latin, ‘introduce’ means ‘to lead inside’. Until you show me you, I can guess. But I can't know you. 1 Co. 2:11 No one wants to be judged or labeled without a chance to represent himself. Yet I do it to God a lot. His words tell me how He sees me. Or feels about me. Yet if it doesn't line up with how I see myself, I don't believe it. I 'know better'. I offer this caution because of how often I misjudge God’s heart toward me. A.W. Tozer wrote "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." It shapes who we are and how we live. For His sake and yours, allow His own words to shape your view of His heart. In each 'Glimpses' article, we'll look at God's heart as revealed in His Son and Scripture. What does God love? Want? Think? Feel? Choose? What moves God? We'll also look at spiritual vision itself. What helps us see God? What blinds us? I’ll share what I'm learning about God’s heart in Scripture. But you'll see a lot more if you ask Him to show you His heart in this text and each time you read. |