Welcome to Riveted! Friendships matter. Therefore, attention matters. What captures my attention can capture my heart. And affect my friendships.
BLOG: Random reflections from my own up and down journey with God 'GLIMPSES': Devotionals on the heart of God as revealed in Scripture.
BLOG: Random reflections from my own up and down journey with God 'GLIMPSES': Devotionals on the heart of God as revealed in Scripture.
The sweet joy of being liked - Part 2
Excerpts: Do you like you? Has anything ever caused you to not like you?
Something you did? Failed to do? Something others did or said to you? We all have an image of ourselves. A self-portrait. But is my view of me true of me? Is it who God sees? I want to see the me He sees. Yet I tend to only see what I’m not. And I’m sure God and others must see it too. If I’m honest, what influences my view of me is not what God thinks. Nor what I think. Nor what others think. It’s what I think others think of me. But what others think of me is not always true. Even though it feels true. The point isn’t just to ‘like yourself’ but to ‘see yourself’ as God sees you. |
So what's God up to on cold winter nights?
Excerpts: ‘He who watches over Israel will not slumber nor sleep.’ Ps 121
My head knows He watches over me. Why can’t my heart rest in that? Why these anxious thoughts? As if finding the 'solution' will let me rest. Yet my head hasn’t offered any solution that my heart is willing to trust. Even God offers no ‘solutions’. He offers Himself. And His watchful care. He’s aware of what keeps me up. If it matters to me, it matters to Him. A heart to heart connection requires mutual devotion. Know. Be known. Love. Be loved. Same with God. I can’t connect with His heart until I give Him mine. And I can’t give Him my heart unless I give Him my attention. His eyes are on me. Are mine on Him? He notices me. Do I notice Him? |
WELCOME! My name is Jack Anderson. My chief treasure is my friendship with God. Or so I say. Yet I've noticed that I haven't noticed Him lately. No
one is more worthy of my awe and my attention than God. Yet I can't be in awe of what I don't see. And I can't see what I don't look at. I want to give
God what He gives me. The kindness of my attention. It's what my heart needs anyway. To see more of Him. I pray this site will help you do the same.